quasiparticles tagged posts

Strong Magnets put New Twist on Phonons

Rice University postdoctoral researcher Andrey Baydin prepares to run an experiment at RAMBO, the Rice Advanced Magnet with Broadband Optics, a tabletop spectrometer that allows materials to be cooled and exposed to high magnetic fields. The instrument helped uncover a phenomenon by which nonmagnetic phonons can be manipulated by a magnetic field. Photo by Jeff Fitlow

Rice lab’s RAMBO reveals unexpected influence on compound’s crystal lattice.
Phonons are collective atomic vibrations, or quasiparticles, that act as the main heat carriers in a crystal lattice. Under certain circumstances, their properties can be modified by electric fields or light. But until now, nobody noticed they can respond to magnetic fields as well.

That may be because it takes a powerful magnet.

Rice Un...

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Physicists Manipulate Magnetism with Light

Carina Belvin (left) and Edoardo Baldini work in the MIT lab of Professor Nuh Gedik.
Photo Credit: Tianchuang Luo

With the help of a “playground” they created for observing exotic physics, MIT scientists and colleagues have not only found a new way to manipulate magnetism in a material with light but have also realized a rare form of matter. The former could lead to applications including computer memory storage devices that can read or write information in a much faster way, while the latter introduces new physics.

A solid material is composed of different types of elementary particles, such as protons and neutrons. Also ubiquitous in such materials are “quasiparticles” that the public is less familiar with...

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Physicists Detect a Hybrid Particle Held Together by uniquely Intense ‘Glue’

Caption:MIT physicists have detected a hybrid particle in an unusual, two-dimensional magnetic material. The hybrid particle is a mashup of an electron and a phonon.
Credits:Image: Christine Daniloff, MIT

The discovery could offer a route to smaller, faster electronic devices. MIT physicists have detected another kind of hybrid particle in an unusual, two-dimensional magnetic material. They determined that the hybrid particle is a mashup of an electron and a phonon (a quasiparticle that is produced from a material’s vibrating atoms). When they measured the force between the electron and phonon, they found that the glue, or bond, was 10 times stronger than any other electron-phonon hybrid known to date.

The particle’s exceptional bond suggests that its electron and phonon might be tun...

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Single Photon Switch Advance

The ability to turn on and off a physical process with just one photon is a fundamental building block for quantum photonic technologies. Realizing this in a chip-scale architecture is important for scalability, which amplifies a breakthrough by City College of New York researchers led by physicist Vinod Menon. They’ve demonstrated for the first time the use of “Rydberg states” in solid state materials (previously shown in cold atom gases) to enhance nonlinear optical interactions to unprecedented levels in solid state systems. This feat is a first step towards realizing chip-scale scalable single photon switches.

In solid state systems, exciton-polaritons, half-light half-matter quasiparticles, which result from the hybridization of electronic excitations (excitons) and photons, a...

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