qubit spaces tagged posts

Shortcut to Success: Toward fast and robust Quantum Control through Accelerating Adiabatic Passage

Semiconductor quantum dots
Credit: Xiao-Fei Liu et al.

Researchers at Osaka University’s Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (SANKEN) used the shortcuts to the adiabaticity (STA) method to greatly speed-up the adiabatic evolution of spin qubits. The spin flip fidelity after pulse optimization can be as high as 97.8% in GaAs quantum dots. This work may be applicable to other adiabatic passage and will be useful for fast and high-fidelity quantum control.

A quantum computer uses the superposition of “0” and “1” states to perform information processing, which is completely different from classical computing, thus allowing for the solution of certain problems at a much faster rate.

High-fidelity quantum state operation in large enough programmable qubit spaces is required...

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