radiation belts tagged posts

NASA’s Van Allen probes Revolutionize View of Radiation Belts

(Illustration) At the highest electron energies measured — above 1 megaelectron volt (Mev) — researchers saw electrons in the outer belt only. Credits: NASA Goddard/Duberstein

(Illustration) At the highest electron energies measured — above 1 megaelectron volt (Mev) — researchers saw electrons in the outer belt only. Credits: NASA Goddard/Duberstein

600 miles from Earth’s surface is the 1st of 2 donut-shaped electron swarms, Van Allen Belts, or radiation belts. Understanding the shape and size of the belts, which shrink and swell in response to incoming radiation from the sun, is crucial for protecting technology in space. Scientists wish to know just which orbits could be jeopardized in different situations.

“The shape of the belts is actually quite different depending on what type of electron you’re looking at,” said Geoff Reeves . “Electrons at different energy levels are distributed differently in these regions...

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