radio waves tagged posts

Earth-Space Telescope produces Hot Surprise

Artistic view of the 10-meter space radio telescope on the Russian satellite Spektr-R comprising the space-borne component of the RadioAstron mission. Credit: © Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute

Artistic view of the 10-meter space radio telescope on the Russian satellite Spektr-R comprising the space-borne component of the RadioAstron mission. Credit: © Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute

Super high resolution reveals new details of Quasar and Milky Way. Astronomers using an orbiting radio telescope in conjunction with 4 ground-based radio telescopes have achieved the highest resolution, or ability to discern fine detail, of any astronomical observation ever made. Their achievement produced a pair of scientific surprises that promise to advance the understanding of quasars, supermassive black holes at the cores of galaxies.

The scientists combined Russian RadioAstron satellite with the ground-based telescopes to produce a virtual radio telescope more than 100,000 mil...

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Piezo-Optomechanical Circuit converts signals among Optical, Acoustic and Radio waves

Acoustic waveguide channels phonons into the optomechanical cavity, enabling the group to manipulate the motion of the suspended nanoscale beam directly. Credit: K. Balram/K. Srinivasan/NIST

Acoustic waveguide channels phonons into the optomechanical cavity, enabling the group to manipulate the motion of the suspended nanoscale beam directly. Credit: K. Balram/K. Srinivasan/NIST

A system based on this design could move and store information in next-generation computers. While Moore’s Law, the idea that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit will double every 2 years, has proven remarkably resilient, engineers will soon begin to encounter fundamental limits. As transistors shrink, heat and other factors will begin to have magnified effects in circuits. So researchers are considering designs in which electronic components interface with other physical systems that carry information such as light and sound...

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New way Proposed to Chart the Cosmos in 3D


UBC researchers are proposing a new way to calculate distances in the cosmos using mysterious bursts of energy. The method allows researchers to position distant galaxies in 3 dimensions and map out the cosmos.
“We’ve introduced the idea of using these new phenomena to study cosmological objects in the universe,” said Kiyoshi Masui. “We believe we’ll be able to use these flashes to put together a picture of how galaxies are spread through space.”

Some unknown astrophysical phenomenon is causing these bursts of energy that appear as a short flashes of radio waves. While only 10 fast radio bursts have ever been recorded, scientists believe there could be thousands of them a day...

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