RadioAstron satellite tagged posts

Earth-Space Telescope produces Hot Surprise

Artistic view of the 10-meter space radio telescope on the Russian satellite Spektr-R comprising the space-borne component of the RadioAstron mission. Credit: © Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute

Artistic view of the 10-meter space radio telescope on the Russian satellite Spektr-R comprising the space-borne component of the RadioAstron mission. Credit: © Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute

Super high resolution reveals new details of Quasar and Milky Way. Astronomers using an orbiting radio telescope in conjunction with 4 ground-based radio telescopes have achieved the highest resolution, or ability to discern fine detail, of any astronomical observation ever made. Their achievement produced a pair of scientific surprises that promise to advance the understanding of quasars, supermassive black holes at the cores of galaxies.

The scientists combined Russian RadioAstron satellite with the ground-based telescopes to produce a virtual radio telescope more than 100,000 mil...

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