reading tagged posts

Two Brain Networks are Activated while Reading, study finds

The neural activity of these patients was measured while reading three forms of sentences: regular sentences; “Jabberwocky” sentences (based on Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky” poem), which use correct grammar and syntax but contain nonsense words, making them meaningless; and lists of words or nonsense words. Image is in the public domain

When a person reads a sentence, two distinct networks in the brain are activated, working together to integrate the meanings of the individual words to obtain more complex, higher-order meaning, according to a study at UTHealth Houston.

The study, led by Oscar Woolnough, Ph.D., postdoctoral research fellow in the Vivian L...

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Gene leads to Myopia when Kids Read

This is an antibody-stained cross section of a mouse retina. Credit: Andrei Tkachenko/Columbia University Medical Center

This is an antibody-stained cross section of a mouse retina. Credit: Andrei Tkachenko/Columbia University Medical Center

Vision researchers have discovered a gene that causes myopia, but only in people who spend a lot of time in childhood reading or doing other ‘nearwork.’ Using a database of approximately 14,000 people, the researchers found that those with a certain variant of the gene – called APLP2 – were 5X more likely to develop myopia in their teens if they had read an hour or more each day in their childhood. Those who carried the APLP2 risk variant but spent less time reading had no additional risk of developing myopia.

This is the first known evidence of gene-environment interaction in myopia,” says Andrei Tkatchenko, MD, PhD, of CUMC...

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