real-time quantum key distribution (QKD) tagged posts

World’s first quantum microsatellite demonstrates secure communication with multiple ground stations

Schematic diagram of the quantum key distribution experiment between the quantum microsatellite Jinan-1 and ground stations. (Image from USTC)

A research team has developed the world’s first quantum microsatellite and demonstrated real-time quantum key distribution (QKD) between the satellite and multiple compact, mobile ground stations.

The research, led by Pan Jianwei, Peng Chengzhi, and Liao Shengkai from USTC, jointly with the Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, the Innovation Academy for Microsatellites of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Stellenbosch University of South Africa, is published in Nature.

Quantum secure communication is fundamental to national information security and socioeconomic development...

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