reddened quasars tagged posts

Do Extremely Reddened Quasars Extinguish Star Formation?

Credit" EDO/M. Kornmesser

An artist’s impression shows a very distant quasar powered by a black hole with a mass two billion times that of the Sun. CREDIT: ESO/M. KORNMESSER

Astronomers have linked extremely reddened quasars to strong galactic outflowing winds that inhibit star formation in the early universe. Galaxies formed and grew billions of years ago by accumulating gas from their surroundings, or colliding and merging with other young galaxies. These early stages of galaxy assembly are believed to be accompanied by episodes of rapid star formation, known as starbursts, and rapid growth of a single super-massive black hole in the galactic centers.

A popular paradigm for this evolution has the black holes growing mostly in obscurity, buried deep within the dusty gas...

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