regeneration by noncoding RNAs tagged posts

New Genetic Regulators of Regeneration identified

Comparative model of lncRNA-regulation of heart regeneration. Known and novel zebrafish lncRNAs adjacent or antisense to protein-coding genes (top) were connected to a set of previously characterized genes required for heart regeneration in the zebrafish (bottom). Gene regulatory and/or protein–protein interactions from Ingenuity Pathways Analysis were used to find a minimal set of homologous genes that connect the adjacent/antisense genes to the regeneration genes.

Comparative model of lncRNA-regulation of heart regeneration. Known and novel zebrafish lncRNAs adjacent or antisense to protein-coding genes (top) were connected to a set of previously characterized genes required for heart regeneration in the zebrafish (bottom). Gene regulatory and/or protein–protein interactions from Ingenuity Pathways Analysis were used to find a minimal set of homologous genes that connect the adjacent/antisense genes to the regeneration genes.

Discovery could one day lead to new therapies to trigger regeneration in humans...

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