regulate senescence tagged posts

New Treatment leaves Liver Cancer cells in Limbo

Stuck in senescence, this cell can no longer grow or divide. The Arid1b protein (green) induces this state by regulating the expression of specific genes. In contrast other regions of the DNA (blue) contain genes that are not bound by Arid1b and are not expressed (red). Credit: MRC CSC

Stuck in senescence, this cell can no longer grow or divide. The Arid1b protein (green) induces this state by regulating the expression of specific genes. In contrast other regions of the DNA (blue) contain genes that are not bound by Arid1b and are not expressed (red). Credit: MRC CSC

Scientists have shown that a mutation in gene Arid1b can cause liver cancer. The gene normally protects against cancer by limiting cell growth, but when mutated it allows cells to grow uncontrollably. The researchers have shown that two existing drugs can halt this growth in human cells. This points to a new approach to treating liver cancer. These early results could be translated into a treatment relatively quickly. This is because the drugs are already used to treat other types of cancer...

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