rejuvenate tagged posts

Before Retinal Cells Die, they Regenerate, Blindness study finds

A canine retina with xlpra2 shows how a marker of cell division (red) and rod cells (green) colocalize. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Pennsylvania

A canine retina with xlpra2 shows how a marker of cell division (red) and rod cells (green) colocalize. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Pennsylvania

In a new study, researchers have shown retinal cells in 3 distinct forms of canine early-onset blindness possess an unexpected feature: they temporarily rejuvenate. Further investigation into the reasons for this period of retinal neuron proliferation could lead to molecular targets for intervening in cell death and maintaining functional photoreceptor cells and a working retina.

The findings suggest this feature may be common across many forms of inherited blindness. The study picked up where 2011 work left off...

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