relationship between the index finger and ring finger tagged posts

Comparing your Index and Ring Fingers shows if you are likely to be Anxious or Good Athlete

Researchers used a common photocopy machine to measure the lengths of the index and ring fingers of 42 women. Half of these women were asked to solve different mental tasks after they had been given a drop of testosterone on their tongue. The goal was to determine the differences in how men's and women's brains work, and the significance of finger length and testosterone levels. Credit: Carl Pintzka / Kolbjørn Skarpnes, NTNU.

Researchers used a common photocopy machine to measure the lengths of the index and ring fingers of 42 women. Half of these women were asked to solve different mental tasks after they had been given a drop of testosterone on their tongue. The goal was to determine the differences in how men’s and women’s brains work, and the significance of finger length and testosterone levels. Credit: Carl Pintzka / Kolbjørn Skarpnes, NTNU.

It is well-known that adults whose index finger is shorter than their ring finger were exposed to greater amounts of testosterone when they were in the womb. Both women and men with this characteristic are – on average – better equipped to solve mentally demanding 3D rotation tasks as adults...

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