relativity tagged posts

Research Breakthrough means Warp Speed ‘Unruh Effect’ can finally be Tested in Lab Settings

Discovery advances understanding of theory of relativity and quantum. A major hurdle for work at the forefront of fundamental physics is the inability to test cutting-edge theories in a laboratory setting. But a recent discovery opens the door for scientists to see ideas in action that were previously only understood in theory or represented in science fiction.

One such theory is on the Unruh effect. When astronauts in a spacecraft undergo super strong acceleration and see the light of stars stream by, then the Unruh effect is an additional warm glow on top of the streaming light. First predicted by Canadian physicist Bill Unruh, this effect is closely related to the glow from black holes predicted by Stephen Hawking...

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Laser-ranged Satellite measurement now accurately reflects Earth’s Tidal perturbations

Laser-ranged satellite measurement now accurately reflects Earth's tidal perturbations

The Lustbühel Satellite Laser Tacking. Credit: Jörg Weingrill (CC BY 2.0 [5])

The most precise ever laser satellite measurement method provides new clues to relativity. Tides on Earth have a far-reaching influence, including disturbing satellites’ measurements by affecting their motion. This disturbance can be studied using a model for the gravitational potential of Earth, taking into account the fact that Earth’s shape is not spherical. The LAser RElativity Satellite (LARES), is the best ever relevant test particle to move in Earth’s gravitational field.

In a new study published in EPJ Plus, LARES proves its efficiency for high-precision probing of General Relativity and fundamental physics...

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