relieve pain tagged posts

Scientist shows Focused Ultrasound can Reach Deep into the Brain to Relieve Pain

Research reveals potential of using low-intensity focused ultrasound for pain management. Scientists have found soundwaves from low-intensity focused ultrasound aimed at a place deep in the brain called the insula can reduce both the perception of pain and other effects of pain, such as heart rate changes.

You feel a pain, so you pop a couple of ibuprofen or acetaminophen. If the pain is severe or chronic, you might be prescribed something stronger — an opioid pain killer that can be addictive under some circumstances.

But what if you could ease pain by non-invasively manipulating a spot inside your brain where pain is registered?

A new study by Wynn Legon, assistant professor at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at VTC, and his team points to that possibility.

The ...

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Magnet-controlled Bioelectronic Implant could relieve Pain

Rice introduced the first neural implant that can be programmed and charged remotely with a magnetic field at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference. (Credit: Secure and Intelligent Micro-Systems Lab/Rice University)

Engineer’s MagNI can be wirelessly charged and programmed with magnetic fields

A team of Rice University engineers has introduced the first neural implant that can be both programmed and charged remotely with a magnetic field. Their breakthrough may make possible embedded devices like a spinal cord-stimulating unit with a battery-powered magnetic transmitter on a wearable belt.

The integrated microsystem, called MagNI (for magnetoelectric neural implant), incorporates magnetoelectric transducers...

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