removing quasiparticles tagged posts

Further Improvement of Qubit Lifetime for future Quantum Computers

Illustration of the filtering of unwanted quasiparticles (red spheres) from a stream of superconducting electron pairs (blue spheres) using a microwave-driven pump. Credit: Copyright Philip Krantz, Krantz NanoArt

Illustration of the filtering of unwanted quasiparticles (red spheres) from a stream of superconducting electron pairs (blue spheres) using a microwave-driven pump. Credit: Copyright Philip Krantz, Krantz NanoArt

An international team has succeeded in making further improvements to the lifetime of superconducting quantum circuits. An important prerequisite for the realization of high-performance quantum computers is that the stored data should remain intact for as long as possible. Researchers have developed and tested a technique that removes unpaired electrons from the circuits. These are known to shorten the qubit lifetime (to be published online by the journal Science today.

Superconducting circuits belong to the most promising candidates for implementing quantum bits, ie qubits, with ...

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