renewable electricity tagged posts

Algae offer Real Potential as a Renewable Electricity Source, research shows

Algae offer real potential as a renewable electricity source, new Concordia research shows
Credit: Uros Miloradovic on Unsplash

The need to transition away from fossil fuels to more sustainable energy production is critical. That’s why a team of Concordia researchers is looking at a potential power source that not only produces no carbon emissions but removes carbon as it works: algae.

Researchers at the Optical-Bio Microsystems Lab recently published a new paper on this topic in the journal Energies. In it, they describe their method of extracting energy from the photosynthesis process of algae suspended in a specialized solution and housed in small power cells. Configured correctly, these cells can generate enough energy to power low- and ultra-low power devices such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors.

“The idea of the micro photosynthetic power cell is to extract e...

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Unlocking the Technology to produce Unbreakable Screens

Unlocking the technology to produce unbreakable screens
Luminating composite glass. Credit: The University of Queensland

Cracked phone screens could become a thing of the past thanks to breakthrough research conducted at The University of Queensland.

The global team of researchers, led by UQ’s Dr Jingwei Hou, Professor Lianzhou Wang and Professor Vicki Chen, have unlocked the technology to produce next-generation composite glass for lighting LEDs and smartphone, television and computer screens.

The findings will enable the manufacture of glass screens that are not only unbreakable but also deliver crystal clear image quality.

Dr Hou said the discovery was a huge step forward in perovskite nanocrystal technology as previously, researchers were only able to produce this technology in the bone-dry atmosphere of a laboratory setting.

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New Material, Manufacturing process use Sun’s Heat for Cheaper Renewable Electricity

A recent development would make electricity generation from the sun's heat more efficient, by using ceramic-metal plates for heat transfer at higher temperatures and at elevated pressures. Credit: Purdue University illustration/Raymond Hassan

A recent development would make electricity generation from the sun’s heat more efficient, by using ceramic-metal plates for heat transfer at higher temperatures and at elevated pressures.
Credit: Purdue University illustration/Raymond Hassan

Scientists have developed a new material and manufacturing process that would make one way to use solar power – as heat energy – more efficient in generating electricity. Solar power accounts for less than 2% of U.S. electricity but could make up more than that if the cost of electricity generation and energy storage for use on cloudy days and at nighttime were cheaper.

A Purdue University-led team developed a new material and manufacturing process that would make one way to use solar power – as heat energy – more efficient in generating electricity...

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