repairing nervous system injury tagged posts

CityU Neuroscientists identify a Small Molecule that Restores Visual Function after Optic Nerve Injury

M1 treatment restores visual function after optic nerve crush injury. (A) Schematic diagram illustrating the pupillary light reflex (PLR) test. (B) Representative images of the PLR from vehicle-treated control and M1-treated mice. (C) The vehicle-treated pupils of the control mice failed to fully constrict upon light stimulus. Pupil constriction was restored to baseline levels in M1-treated mice. (D) M1-treated mice responded to the looming stimulus by hiding in the shelter. In contrast, none of the vehicle-treated lesioned mice responded to the looming stimulus. (© Au, N. et al.

Traumatic injury to the brain, spinal cord and optic nerve in the central nervous system are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of d...

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