repairs to the DNA and poor functioning mitochondria tagged posts

Substance with the Potential to Postpone Aging

Highlights •Mitochondrial dysfunction and defective mitophagy shown in A-T animal models •A-T laboratory animal models exhibit NAD+ depletion and impaired SIRT1 activity •NAD+ replenishment improves lifespan and healthspan in ATM− worms and mice •NAD+ ameliorates A-T phenotypes through upregulation of mitophagy and DNA repair

Highlights •Mitochondrial dysfunction and defective mitophagy shown in A-T animal models •A-T laboratory animal models exhibit NAD+ depletion and impaired SIRT1 activity •NAD+ replenishment improves lifespan and healthspan in ATM− worms and mice •NAD+ ameliorates A-T phenotypes through upregulation of mitophagy and DNA repair

The coenzyme NAD+ plays a main role in aging processes. In mice and roundworm adding the substance can both extend life and postpone the onset of aging processes. New research conducted at the Center for Healthy Aging and the American National Institute of Health shows that this new knowledge will eventually be able to help patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

An international team of researchers from the Center for Healthy Aging at the Univers...

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