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For the 1st time, all Genes Activated in 1st few days of a Fertilized Human Egg Mapped

Mitosis, stage four (stock image). At the start of an individual's life there is a single fertilized egg cell. One day after fertilization there are two cells, after two days four, after three days eight and so on, until there are billions of cells at birth. The order in which our genes are activated after fertilization has remained one of the last uncharted territories of human development. Credit: © Tatiana Shepeleva / Fotolia

Mitosis, stage four (stock image). At the start of an individual’s life there is a single fertilized egg cell. One day after fertilization there are two cells, after two days four, after three days eight and so on, until there are billions of cells at birth. The order in which our genes are activated after fertilization has remained one of the last uncharted territories of human development. Credit: © Tatiana Shepeleva / Fotolia

The fertilized egg gene mapping provides an in-depth understanding of early embryonic development in humans – and scientists now hope that the results will help finding for example new therapies against infertility and genetic disease. There are ~23,000 human genes in total...

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