resistive random-access memory tagged posts

Data Use Draining your Battery? Tiny device to Speed up Memory while also Saving Power

Researchers have discovered a new functionality in a two-dimensional material that allows data to be stored and retrieved much faster on a computer chip, saving battery life.
Credit: Purdue University illustration

The more objects we make “smart,” from watches to entire buildings, the greater the need for these devices to store and retrieve massive amounts of data quickly without consuming too much power. Millions of new memory cells could be part of a computer chip and provide that speed and energy savings, thanks to the discovery of a previously unobserved functionality in a material called molybdenum ditelluride.

The 2D material stacks into multiple layers to build a memory cell...

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Engineers find a New Memory technology may be more nergy Efficient than previously thought

Stanford engineers find that a new memory technology may be more energy efficient than previously thought

Stanford engineers are developing new memory chips, based on materials other than silicon, to provide more energy-efficient ways to store data as digital zeros and ones. Credit: iStock / matejmo

Scientists often discover interesting things without completely understanding how they work. That has been the case with an experimental memory technology in which temperature and voltage work together to create the conditions for data storage. But precisely how was unknown. But when a Stanford team found a way to untangle the chip’s energy and heat requirements, their findings revealed a pleasant surprise: The process may be more energy efficient than was previously supposed. That’s good news for next-generation mobile devices whose batteries would last longer powering lower energy chips.

The new ...

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