resistors with a memory tagged posts

Understanding the Building Blocks for an Electronic Brain

Left: A simplified representation of a small part of the brain: neurons receive, process and transmit signals through synapses. Right: a crossbar array, which is a possible architecture of how this could be realized with devices. The memristors, like synapses in the brain, can change their conductivity so that connections can be weakened and strengthened. Credit: Spintronics of Functional Materials group, University of Groningen

Left: A simplified representation of a small part of the brain: neurons receive, process and transmit signals through synapses. Right: a crossbar array, which is a possible architecture of how this could be realized with devices. The memristors, like synapses in the brain, can change their conductivity so that connections can be weakened and strengthened.
Credit: Spintronics of Functional Materials group, University of Groningen

Computer bits are binary, with a value of 0 or 1. By contrast, neurons in the brain can have all kinds of different internal states, depending on the input that they received. This allows the brain to process information in a more energy-efficient manner than a computer...

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