RF-photonics sensing tagged posts

Quantum Entanglement offers unprecedented precision for GPS, Imaging and beyond

Graphic of RF waves being transferred to photonic waves and then entangled.
A graphic demonstrating the team’s quantum metrology experiment.

Engineers have demonstrated for the first time that it’s possible to connect a network of sensors through quantum entanglement. The experiment opens a door to unprecedented levels of sensitivity in GPS navigation, medical imaging and astronomy.

Your phone’s GPS, the WiFi in your house and communications on aircraft are all powered by radio-frequency waves, or waves, which carry information from a transmitter at one point to a sensor at another. The sensors interpret this information in different ways. For example, a GPS sensor uses the angle at which it receives an RF wave to determine its own relative location. The more precisely it can measure the angle, the more accurately it can determine location.

In a paper pu...

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