risk prediction calculators tagged posts

Your Blood can Reveal your Risk for Heart Disease

Researcher at K. G. Jebsen -- Center for Exercise in Medicine (CERG), and first author of the study, Anja Bye. Credit: Andrea Hegdahl Tiltnes/NTNU

Researcher at K. G. Jebsen — Center for Exercise in Medicine (CERG), and first author of the study, Anja Bye. Credit: Andrea Hegdahl Tiltnes/NTNU

New Biomarkers can help ID a person’s risk of getting cardiac disease with greater precision than traditional risk factors alone. When you visit your GP you can get your blood analyzed for cholesterol and triglycerides, to get an idea of your risk for cardiovascular disease. With additional information about BMI, smoking habits and blood pressure, this can be used to calculate your 10-yr risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the use of risk prediction calculators has declined in the primary care setting because the currently available calculators only explain a modest proportion of the incidence...

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