RNA virus tagged posts

Researchers discover ‘Trojan Horse’ Virus Hiding in Human Parasite

Apocryptovirus odysseus (Ao) genome. From (rnaspades 3.15.5) assembly of the Ngô RNA sequencing dataset (SRR1205923), we recovered a high-coverage (123× coverage) RdRp-encoding contig, and identified a second correlated contig of likely viral origin. Contig 2 (279× coverage) contains two putative ORFs: pORF1 and pORF2, but these ORFs do not have identifiable homologs via BLASTp in the non-redundant and transcriptome shotgun assembly databases (date accessed: June 2023), TBLASTN with the nucleotide database, or by InterProScan or HHpred (date accessed: June 2023). Inlay, unbranched assembly graphs (Bandage 0.8.1) of both contigs confirmed a linear genome structure.
Apocryptovirus odysseus (Ao) genome. From (RNASPADES 3.15.5) assembly of the Ngô RNA sequencing dataset (SRR1205923), we recovered a high-coverage (123× coverage) RdRp-encoding contig, and identified a second correlated contig of likely viral origin. Contig 2 (279× coverage) contains two putative ORFs: pORF1 and pORF2, but these ORFs do not have identifiable homologs via BLASTp in the non-redundant and transcriptome shotgun assembly databases (date accessed: June 2023), TBLASTN with the nucleotide database, or by InterProScan or HHpred (date accessed: June 2023). Inlay, unbranched assembly graphs (Bandage 0.8.1) of both contigs confirmed a linear genome structure.

An international team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has found a new RNA virus that they believe is h...

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