Role for Ribosomes tagged posts

More than a Protein Factory: A Role for Ribosomes in regulating human Gene Expression

A new study using human cell lines provides insight on how instructions embedded within mRNA messages can affect mRNA levels, mRNA stability, and protein production in a translation-dependent manner.
Image: Courtesy of Bazzini Lab.

Researchers from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research have discovered a new function of ribosomes in human cells that may show the protein-making particle’s role in destroying healthy mRNAs, the messages that decode DNA into protein.

“For a long time, many people have viewed ribosomes as a passive player in the cell – a molecular machine that’s just producing proteins,” says Stowers Assistant Investigator Ariel Bazzini, PhD. “Now there’s growing evidence that ribosomes regulate gene expression, including in human cells.”

These findings, which were rece...

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