role of protein ZBTB48 tagged posts

Cellular Aging and Cancer development: New insight

Discovery by NUS researchers improves understanding of cellular aging and cancer development

ZBTB48 binds through the last of its 11 zinc fingers directly to telomeric DNA (TTAGGG, in red) as well as subtelomeric variant repeats (TTGGG/TCAGGG, grey), which represent the protective caps at the end of chromosomes. In addition, it binds to the promoter sequences (dark blue) of specific target genes including mitochondrial fission process 1, MTFP1. In the absence of ZBTB48 (right panel) telomeres become longer whereas the expression of ZBTB48 target genes is strongly reduced. For instance, ZBTB48 KO (knock-out) cells loose the expression of MTFP1 leading to defects in the mitochondrial network with mitochondria clustering around the nucleus instead of being widely spread throughout the cell. Credit: National University of Singapore

Medical researchers have discovered the role of the p...

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