rust nanoparticles tagged posts

Modern Alchemy: Researchers reveal Magnetic ‘Rust’ performs as Gold at the Nanoscale

Simona Murph's newest research has resulted in the creation of a new hybrid nanoparticle that combines gold and rust nanoparticles. The new substance may prove to be useful in a variety of applications including hyperthermia treatment, environmental cleaning and medical imaging. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Georgia

Simona Murph’s newest research has resulted in the creation of a new hybrid nanoparticle that combines gold and rust nanoparticles. The new substance may prove to be useful in a variety of applications including hyperthermia treatment, environmental cleaning and medical imaging. Credit: Image courtesy of University of Georgia

Researchers from the University of Georgia are giving new meaning to the phrase “turning rust into gold”—and making the use of gold in research settings and industrial applications far more affordable. They combine small amounts of gold nanoparticles with magnetic rust nanoparticles to create a hybrid nanostructure that retains both the properties of gold and rust. “Medieval alchemists tried to create gold from other metals,” she said...

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