Rutin tagged posts

Mulberry Extract activates Brown Fat, shows promise as Obesity treatment

Rutin (rutoside, sophorin) molecule

Rutin (rutoside, sophorin) molecule

Good news for those who want to activate their brown fat (or BAT, brown adipose tissue) without having to be cold: New research, published in The FASEB Journal, suggests that a natural compound in mulberries, called “rutin,” can activate the BAT in our bodies to increase metabolism and facilitate weight loss.

“The beneficial effects of rutin on BAT-mediated metabolic improvement have evoked a substantial interest in the potential treatment for obesity and its related diseases, such as diabetes,” said Wan-Zhu Jin, Ph.D. “In line with this idea, discovery of more safe and effective BAT activators is desired to deal with obesity and its related diseases.”

To make their discovery, Jin and colleagues used both genetically obese mice and mice with diet-induced...

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