sandwiched planet formation tagged posts

‘Sandwich’ Discovery offers New Explanation for Planet Formation

An artist's impression of a planetary system appearing in colours of orange, yellow and brown.
Artistic rendering of how small planets can form ‘sandwiched’ in between two larger ones.
Credit: University of Warwick/Mark A. Garlick Licence type Attribution (CC BY 4.0)

Scientists have made a new discovery on how small planets might form. Researchers at the University of Warwick investigated the “birth environment” of planets—areas of gas and dust that swirl around a central star—known as the protoplanetary disk.

They discovered a new method of planet formation in this region, not yet described in previous research. The work has been submitted to the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society and is showcased at the National Astronomy Meeting, which begins today, Monday 3 July...

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