SAPHiR multi-anvil press tagged posts

How Stony-Iron Meteorites form

View into the SAPHiR multi-anvil press at the FRM II.
View into the SAPHiR multi-anvil press at the FRM II.Image: W. Schürmann / TUM

SAPHiR multi-anvil press solves mystery of the solar system. Meteorites give us insight into the early development of the solar system. Using the SAPHiR instrument at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), a scientific team has for the first time simulated the formation of a class of stony-iron meteorites, so-called pallasites, on a purely experimental basis.

“Pallasites are the optically most beautiful and unusual meteorites,” says Dr. Nicolas Walte, the first author of the study, in an enthusiastic voice. They belong to the group of stony-iron meteorites and comprise green olivine crystals embedded in nickel and iron...

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