sarcoma tagged posts

How Killer Cells take out Tumors

Cancer immunotherapy under the microscope: In the center of the image, three killer cells (violet, smaller) attack a cancer cell (violet, larger; leukemia cells are shown here). Credit: Schliemann et al.: Cancer Immunol Res 2015, 3: 547

Cancer immunotherapy under the microscope: In the center of the image, three killer cells (violet, smaller) attack a cancer cell (violet, larger; leukemia cells are shown here). Credit: Schliemann et al.: Cancer Immunol Res 2015, 3: 547

The use of immunotherapy to treat cancer is celebrating its first successes but there are still many knowledge gaps in the underlying mechanisms of action. In a study of mice with soft tissue tumors, ETH researchers have now shown how endogenous killer cells track down the tumors with the help of dormant viruses. The promising drug is F8-TNF. When injected into the bloodstream, it lures killer cells towards sarcomas which destroys the tumors...

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New Breast Cancer Drug may be effective against Other Types of Cancer

breast cancer

Micrograph showing a lymph node invaded by ductal breast carcinoma, with extension of the tumour beyond the lymph node. Credit: Nephron/Wikipedia

Palbociclib, a new oral drug whose efficacy in combating breast cancer has been demonstrated alone and in combination with endocrine therapy, also has potential to combat other types of cancer, according to a literature review and original research at Abramson Cancer Center (ACC) in the University of Pennsylvania.

Palbociclib targets the rapid division of tumor cells by inhibiting the activity of the enzymes CDK4 and CDK6, which propel cell division and increase in number in most cancers. It is the first CDK4/6 inhibitor to be approved for the treatment of breast cancer...

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