Security Loophole tagged posts

New Security Loophole allows Spying on Internet Users Visiting Websites and Watching Videos

New security loophole allows spying on internet users visiting websites and watching videos
The “SnailLoad” loophole is based on combining the latency of internet connections with the fingerprinting of online content. Credit: IAIK – TU Graz

Internet users leave many traces on websites and online services. Measures such as firewalls, VPN connections and browser privacy modes are in place to ensure a certain level of data protection. However, a newly discovered security loophole allows bypassing all of these protective measures.

Computer scientists from the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communication Technology (IAIK) at Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) were able to track users’ online activities in detail simply by monitoring fluctuations in the speed of their internet connection...

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Researchers discover Security Loophole allowing Attackers to use Wi-Fi to See Through Walls

Researchers discover security loophole allowing attackers to use Wi-Fi to see through walls
Overview of Wi-Peep. Credit: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking (2022). DOI: 10.1145/3495243.3560530

A research team based out of the University of Waterloo has developed a drone-powered device that can use Wi-Fi networks to see through walls. The device, nicknamed Wi-Peep, can fly near a building and then use the inhabitants’ Wi-Fi network to identify and locate all Wi-Fi-enabled devices inside in a matter of seconds.

The Wi-Peep exploits a loophole the researchers call polite Wi-Fi. Even if a network is password protected, smart devices will automatically respond to contact attempts from any device within range...

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