SEIS seismometer tagged posts

Magma on Mars likely

Colour-coded topographical view of the Cerberus Fossae features: reds and whites are relatively higher than blues and purples. (Photograph: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin)

Until now, Mars has been generally considered a geologically dead planet. An international team of researchers now reports that seismic signals indicate vulcanism still plays an active role in shaping the Martian surface.

Since 2018, when the NASA InSight Mission deployed the SEIS seismometer on the surface of Mars, seismologists and geophysicists at ETH Zurich have been listening to the seismic pings of more than 1,300 marsquakes. Again and again, the researchers registered smaller and larger Mars quakes. A detailed analysis of the quakes’ location and spectral character brought a surprise...

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