semiconductor architecture tagged posts

Photonic Chip that ‘Fits Together like Lego’ Opens Door to Semiconductor Industry

Dr Alvaro Casas Bedoya, holding the new chip, with Professor Ben Eggleton in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub.
Dr Alvaro Casas Bedoya, holding the new chip, with Professor Ben Eggleton in the Sydney Nanoscience Hub. Photo: Stefanie Zingsheim

A new semiconductor architecture integrates traditional electronics with photonic, or light, components could have application in advanced radar, satellites, wireless networks and 6G telecommunications. And it provides a pathway for a local semiconductor industry.

Researchers at the University of Sydney Nano Institute have invented a compact silicon semiconductor chip that integrates electronics with photonic, or light, components. The new technology significantly expands radio-frequency (RF) bandwidth and the ability to accurately control information flowing through the unit.

Expanded bandwidth means more information can flow through the chip and th...

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