semiconductor heterojunctions tagged posts

‘Legos’ for Fabrication of Atomically Precise Electronic Circuits

Bottom-up synthesis of 7–13 GNR heterojunctions.

a, Synthesis of 7–13 GNR heterojunctions from molecular building blocks 1 and 2. Building blocks 1 and 2 are co-deposited onto a pristine Au(111) surface held at room temperature. Stepwise heating induces cleavage of the labile C–Br bonds, colligation (at 470 K) and then cyclization/dehydrogenation (at 670 K), resulting in 7–13 GNR heterojunctions. b, High-resolution STM topograph of a 7–13 GNR heterojunction (sample voltage Vs = 60 mV, tunnelling current It = 200 pA). Inset: Larger-scale STM image of multiple GNR heterojunctions, showing a variety of segment lengths (Vs = 0.50 V, It = 2 pA).

For the 1st time, researchers tailored the electronic properties of nanoribbons using a new “bottom-up” method that precisely controls and modulates the atomic-scal...

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