semiconductors tagged posts

Next-Generation Sustainable Electronics are Doped with Air

Sheet of glass with light underneath.
Next-generation sustainable electronics are doped with air.Thor Balkhed

Semiconductors are the foundation of all modern electronics. Now, researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have developed a new method where organic semiconductors can become more conductive with the help of air as a dopant. The study, published in the journal Nature, is a significant step towards future cheap and sustainable organic semiconductors.

“We believe this method could significantly influence the way we dope organic semiconductors. All components are affordable, easily accessible, and potentially environmentally friendly, which is a prerequisite for future sustainable electronics,” says Simone Fabiano, associate professor at Linköping University.

Semiconductors based on conductive plastics ins...

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Simple Technique Ushers in Long-Sought Class of Semiconductors


Breakthroughs in modern microelectronics depend on understanding and manipulating the movement of electrons in metal. Reducing the thickness of metal sheets to the order of nanometers can enable exquisite control over how the metal’s electrons move. In so doing, one can impart properties that aren’t seen in bulk metals, such as ultrafast conduction of electricity. Now, researchers from Osaka University and collaborating partners have synthesized a novel class of nanostructured superlattices. This study enables an unusually high degree of control over the movement of electrons within metal semiconductors, which promises to enhance the functionality of everyday technologies.

Precisely tuning the architecture of metal nanosheets, and thus facilitating advanced microelectronics functio...

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Semiconductors reach the Quantum World

The “map” of the electrons: This graph, obtained with the SX-ARPES method, shows bright bands representing the states that electrons occupy in energy/momentum space. The band in the semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN) is clearly separated from the superconducting states (encircled in light blue dashes) in the niobium nitride (NbN). This means that the decisive electrons in the two materials do not interfere with each other. Credit: Paul Scherrer Institute/Tianlun Yu

Quantum effects in superconductors could give semiconductor technology a new twist...

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‘Egg Carton’ Quantum Dot Array could lead to Ultralow Power Devices

An illustration of the egg crate electronic structure, shown between two mirrors so that the red laser light resonates. The polaritons, trapped in the pockets, are represented by the sum of their parts: a green exciton, with electron and hole shown inside, attached to a red lightwave. Even with just a few excitons in the wells, the energy required to add a new one begins to jump
  An illustration of the egg crate electronic structure, shown between two mirrors so that the red laser light resonates. The polaritons, trapped in the pockets, are represented by the sum of their parts: a green exciton, with electron and hole shown inside, attached to a red lightwave. Even with just a few excitons in the wells, the energy required to add a new one begins to jump. Credit: Long Zhang, Deng Lab, University of Michigan.

A new path toward sending and receiving information with single photons of light has been discovered by an international team of researchers led by the University of Michigan...

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