SETI Institute tagged posts

Could there be intelligent Life in the star system KIC 8462852?

Looking For Deliberate Radio Signals From KIC 8462852

Allen Telescope Array. Credit: Seth Shostak, SETI Institute

A recent analysis of data collected by Kepler space telescope has shown that this star, informally known as Tabby’s Star, evidences aperiodic dimming of 20% and more. While several natural explanations for this strong change in luminosity have been proposed, one possibility is that a technologically adept civilization has built megastructures in orbit around star, causing the dimming.

One example of a large-scale astroengineering project would be the construction of a so-called Dyson swarm of solar panels for large-scale energy collection. Other possible structures include artificial space habitats, or a planet-size or larger occulting object intended to provide a long-lasting signal to other galactic inhabitants.

In order to inve...

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