severe geomagnetic storms tagged posts

Stormy Space Weather puts Equatorial Regions’ Power at Risk

Space scene (stock image). Earth's equatorial regions are largely unstudied and more susceptible to disruptive space weather than previously thought, which should prompt scientists to examine the infrastructure and economic implications on countries near the equator. Credit: © frenta / Fotolia

Space scene (stock image). Earth’s equatorial regions are largely unstudied and more susceptible to disruptive space weather than previously thought, which should prompt scientists to examine the infrastructure and economic implications on countries near the equator. Credit: © frenta / Fotolia

Dr Brett Carter of RMIT SPACE Research Centre and his team found these equatorial electrical disruptions threaten power grids in SE Asia, India, Africa and South America, where protecting electricity infrastructure from space shocks has not been a priority.

“Massive space weather events have crashed power grids across North America and Europe, but we have found that often with little warning, smaller events strike in equatorial regions more frequently than previously thought,” Carter said...

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