Shorter-lasting Illness Symptoms tagged posts

Multivitamin, mineral supplement linked to Less-Severe, Shorter-lasting Illness Symptoms


Older adults who took a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement with zinc and high amounts of vitaminC in a 12-week study experienced sickness for shorter periods and with less severe symptoms than counterparts in a control group receiving a placebo.

The findings by Oregon State University researchers were published in the journal Nutrients.

The research by scientists at OSU’s Linus Pauling Institute involved 42 healthy people ages 55 to 75 and was designed to measure the supplement’s effects on certain immune system indicators. It also looked at bloodstream levels of zinc and vitamins C and D while taking the supplement, as these micronutrients are important for proper immune function.

The immune indicators, including white blood cells’ ability to kill incoming pathogens, ...

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