silicon carbide nanoparticles tagged posts

Exceptionally Strong and Lightweight New Metal

At left, a deformed sample of pure metal; at right, the strong new metal made of magnesium with silicon carbide nanoparticles. Each central micropillar is about 4 micrometers across. Credit: UCLA Scifacturing Laboratory

At left, a deformed sample of pure metal; at right, the strong new metal made of magnesium with silicon carbide nanoparticles. Each central micropillar is about 4 micrometers across. Credit: UCLA Scifacturing Laboratory

Mg infused with dense ceramic Silicon Carbide nanoparticles could be used for airplanes, cars, mobile electronics, spacecraft, and cars, helping to improve fuel efficiency, as well as in mobile electronics and biomedical devices. It has extremely high specific strength and modulus, or stiffness-to-weight ratio. To create the super-strong but lightweight metal, the team found a new way to disperse and stabilize nanoparticles in molten metals. They also developed a scalable manufacturing method that could pave the way for more high-performance lightweight metals.

“It’s been p...

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