silicon photonics tagged posts

Researchers demonstrate the First Chip-based 3D Printer

Graphic of hand holding a glowing chip-based 3D printer
The tiny device could enable a user to rapidly create customized, low-cost objects on the go, like a fastener to repair a wobbly bicycle wheel or a component for a critical medical operation.
Credits: Sampson Wilcox, RLE

Smaller than a coin, this optical device could enable rapid prototyping on the go. Researchers have demonstrated the first chip-based 3D printer, a tiny device that emits reconfigurable beams of visible light into a well of resin that rapidly cures into a solid shape. The advance could enable a 3D printer small enough to fit in the palm of a person’s hand.

Imagine a portable 3D printer you could hold in the palm of your hand...

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New Computing Architecture: Deep Learning with Light

Artist’s rendering of a smart transceiver. The dark blue device has golden pathways and rectangles, which represent the wires that connect the smart transceiver chip to a circuit board. A light blue square covered with thin lines rises from the middle, to represent the smart transceiver chip. The thin lines represent an array of fibers that move light from lasers in and out of the chip.
Caption:This rendering shows a novel piece of hardware, called a smart transceiver, that uses technology known as silicon photonics to dramatically accelerate one of the most memory-intensive steps of running a machine-learning model. This can enable an edge device, like a smart home speaker, to perform computations with more than a hundred-fold improvement in energy efficiency.
Credits:Image: Alex Sludds. Edited by MIT New

A new method uses optics to accelerate machine-learning computations on smart speakers and other low-power connected devices. The technique may enable self-driving cars to make decisions in realtime while only using a fraction of the energy that is currently demanded by their power-hungry on-board computers.

Ask a smart home device for the weather forecast, and it...

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