Simulations of Planetesimal Formation tagged posts

Numerical Simulations of Planetesimal Formation Reproduce Key Properties of Asteroids, Comets

Numerical simulations of planetesimal formation reproduce key properties of asteroids, comets
Comparison between the predictions by Polak and Klahr for the mass distribution of asteroids (red circles), compared with observations (white circles). The horizontal axis shows the size of the asteroids in question, and the vertical axis shows the fraction of the total mass of the pebble cloud that ends up in asteroids larger or equal to the chosen size value. If the total mass were to end up in a single asteroid, that asteroid would have been 152 km in diameter. Both in the prediction and according to the observations, 84% of the total asteroid mass ends up in objects between 90 km and 152 km in diameter. Overall, the primordial asteroids follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution (blue line) in mass with a most likely size of 125 km...
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