single-cell ATAC-seq data analysis tagged posts

Powerful New Tool to Advance Genomics, Disease Research

Powerful new tool to advance genomics, disease research
Image: Intrinsic cleavage biases affect single-cell ATAC-seq data analysis. Visualization of intrinsic cleavage bias effect in different cell clusters derived from scATAC-seq data for different biological samples and different experimental platforms: human hematopoietic cells (a–c), mixed human cell lines (d–f), mouse primitive gut tube (g–i), and 10× Single-Cell Multiome data for mouse embryonic brain (j–l), human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (m–o), and human lymph node (p–r). a, d, g, j, m, p UMAP visualization where cells are colored by cell type/labels/clusters. b, e, h, k, n, q Same UMAP visualization but cells are colored by cell bias score (CBS). c, f, i, l, o, r CBS distributions of cells from different cell types/batches/clusters...
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