single-photon purity tagged posts

Quantum Emitters: Beyond Crystal Clear to Single-Photon Pure

Nanoscale luminescence quenching occurs when a focused ion beam is irradiated. By selectively quenching the uncorrelated light, one can increase the single-photon purity from the quantum emitter without optical degradation and structural destruction

A research team has developed a technique that can isolate the desired quality emitter by reducing the noise surrounding the target with what they have dubbed a ‘nanoscale focus pinspot.’

Photons – fundamental particles of light – are carrying these words to your eyes via the light from your computer screen or phone. Photons play a key role in the next-generation quantum information technology, such as quantum computing and communications...

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New Class of Versatile, High-Performance Quantum Dots Primed for Medical Imaging, Quantum Computing

A new, highly versatile class of quantum dots excel as single-photon emitters, with applications in biomedical imaging, quantum communication, cybersecurity, and many other fields. Zachary (Zack) Robinson (left) and Vladimir Sayevich (right) are part of the team that has developed these infrared-emitting quantum dots.

A new class of quantum dots deliver a stable stream of single, spectrally tunable infrared photons under ambient conditions and at room temperature, unlike other single photon emitters. This breakthrough opens a range of practical applications, including quantum communication, quantum metrology, medical imaging and diagnostics, and clandestine labeling.

“The demonstration of high single-photon purity in the infrared has immediate utility in areas such as quantum key di...

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