sleep debt tagged posts

What are ‘Coffee Naps’ and can they help you power through the day?

Just five more minutes … can a coffee before a nap really help you pay back your sleep debt? Credit:

Just five more minutes … can a coffee before a nap really help you pay back your sleep debt? Credit:

Taking a nap is a common way of overcoming your sleepiness and repaying your sleep debt. Drinking coffee can also help us get through the day. In a 1997 study, 12 sleep-deprived people drank the equivalent of one large cup of brewed coffee and 5 minutes later had the chance to nap for 15 minutes. They then did some driving tests in a simulator to check their alertness. Although drinking a coffee (without a nap) helped their driving performance, combining caffeine with a nap (a coffee nap) improved it even further...

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