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Physicists Detect a Hybrid Particle Held Together by uniquely Intense ‘Glue’

Caption:MIT physicists have detected a hybrid particle in an unusual, two-dimensional magnetic material. The hybrid particle is a mashup of an electron and a phonon.
Credits:Image: Christine Daniloff, MIT

The discovery could offer a route to smaller, faster electronic devices. MIT physicists have detected another kind of hybrid particle in an unusual, two-dimensional magnetic material. They determined that the hybrid particle is a mashup of an electron and a phonon (a quasiparticle that is produced from a material’s vibrating atoms). When they measured the force between the electron and phonon, they found that the glue, or bond, was 10 times stronger than any other electron-phonon hybrid known to date.

The particle’s exceptional bond suggests that its electron and phonon might be tun...

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