smallest lattice tagged posts

Smallest Lattice Structure Worldwide

The smallest lattice in the world is visible under the microscope only. Struts and braces are 0.2 µm in diameter. Total size of the lattice is about 10 µm. Credit: J. Bauer / KIT

The smallest lattice in the world is visible under the microscope only. Struts and braces are 0.2 µm in diameter. Total size of the lattice is about 10 µm. Credit: J. Bauer / KIT

Scientists have now presented the smallest human-made lattice structure. 3D lattice with glassy carbon struts and braces of <200 nm in diameter has higher specific strength than most solids. They are smaller than comparable metamaterials by a factor of five. Apps may include electrodes, filters or optical components.

“Lightweight construction materials, such as bones and wood, are found everywhere in nature,” said Dr.-Ing. Jens Bauer of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)...

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