Smart for GIT tagged posts

Digestible Batteries needed to Power Electronic Pills

Intestinal organs (stock image). There's evidence that manufacturing biologically inspired "smart pills" can be cost-effective and pass regulatory approval. Credit: © nerthuz / Fotolia

Intestinal organs (stock image). There’s evidence that manufacturing biologically inspired “smart pills” can be cost-effective and pass regulatory approval. Credit: © nerthuz / Fotolia

Imagine a “smart pill” that can sense problems in your intestines and actively release the appropriate drugs. We have the biological understanding to create such a device, but we’re still searching for electronic materials (like batteries and circuits) that pose no risk if they get stuck in our bodies. Christopher Bettinger of Carnegie Mellon University presents a vision for creating safe, consumable electronics, such as those powered by the charged ions within our digestive tracts.

Edible electronic medical devices are not a new idea...

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