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Smart Immune Cells teach Neurons damaged by Parkinson’s to Heal themselves

Smart Immune Cells teach Neurons damaged by Parkinson's to Heal themselves

Smart Immune Cells teach Neurons damaged by Parkinson’s to Heal themselves

As a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease, scientists have created smarter immune cells that produce and deliver a healing protein to the brain while also teaching neurons to begin making the protein for themselves.

The researchers, led by A/Prof Elena Batrakova at UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy’s Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, genetically modified macrophages to produce glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor, or GDNF, and deliver it to the brain. Glial cells provide support and protection for nerve cells throughout the brain and body, and GDNF can heal and stimulate the growth of damaged neurons.

“Currently, there are no treatments that can halt or reverse the course of Parkinson’s disease...

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