smart materials tagged posts

A 4D Printer for Smart Materials with Magneto- and Electro-Mechanical Properties

A 4D printer for smart materials with magneto-and electro-mechanical properties
A new smart printer enables the manufacture of soft multifunctional materials by continuously adapting extrusion parameters. Combining experimental and computational methods, it prints conductive and magneto-active materials with mechanical properties that mimic biological tissues. Credit: UC3M

Researchers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) have created software and hardware for a 4D printer with applications in the biomedical field. In addition to 3D printing, this machine allows for controlling extra functions: programming the material’s response so that shape-changing occurs under external magnetic field, or changes in its electric properties develops under mechanical deformation...

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Building next Gen Smart Materials with the power of Sound

An acoustically-created MOF, with the microchip that produced the high-frequency sound waves used in the process.
An acoustically-created MOF, with the microchip that produced the high-frequency sound waves used in the process.

Researchers have used sound waves to precisely manipulate atoms and molecules, accelerating the sustainable production of breakthrough smart materials. Metal-organic frameworks, or MOFs, are incredibly versatile and super porous nanomaterials that can be used to store, separate, release or protect almost anything.

Predicted to be the defining material of the 21st century, MOFs are ideal for sensing and trapping substances at minute concentrations, to purify water or air, and can also hold large amounts of energy, for making better batteries and energy storage devices.

Scientists have designed more than 88,000 precisely customised MOFs – with applications ranging fro...

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It’s a 3D Printer, but not as we know it

Schematic representation of printer and ultrasonic manipulation rig. (a) Switchable laser module is attached to the print head carriage, and traces out the shape of the printed part. The laser can be deliberately defocused to cure large regions slowly by increasing the height of the laser module. (b) Focused laser beam cures resin within the cavity of the ultrasonic manipulation device. P = PMMA, W = Water, PZT = lead zirconate titanate transducers, R = spot-a low Viscosity photocurable resin. Cross sections of the bundles of fibres lying within traps are shown, and are separated by half a wavelength.

Schematic representation of printer and ultrasonic manipulation rig. (a) Switchable laser module is attached to the print head carriage, and traces out the shape of the printed part. The laser can be deliberately defocused to cure large regions slowly by increasing the height of the laser module. (b) Focused laser beam cures resin within the cavity of the ultrasonic manipulation device. P = PMMA, W = Water, PZT = lead zirconate titanate transducers, R = spot-a low Viscosity photocurable resin. Cross sections of the bundles of fibres lying within traps are shown, and are separated by half a wavelength.

An engineering team has developed a new type of 3D printing that can print composite materials, which are used in many high performance products eg tennis rackets, golf clubs and airplane...

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